
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

No Date, Stys, and Dieting

I've decided to cancel the plans for the date tomorrow night. He seems to have issues with understanding that I will not be coming over to his place for any reason. He texted the other day to ask how my day was going, and then he said he's had a bad day. I told him I hope his day gets better. He said:

"It would be a lot better if you came over and brought dinner with you."

I just rather lost it on him at that point as I told him four other times that I will not be coming over to his place until I've established a relationship with him. If this had been the first time, I wouldn't have reacted like I did, but this was the fourth time after I told him to stop. I'm not looking to hook up with random people. I said to him:

"I'm sorry you've had a bad day and all, but I'm getting rather angry that you won't stop telling me or hinting at me or what have you to come over to your place. That isn't going to happen. It really just shows me that you don't give a shit about how I feel regarding that issue."

He then told me that he was joking and that "wow, I read too much into things", but it won't happen again. I didn't bother to reply to that. The appropriate response would have been to apologize and/or not brought it up again. I haven't even met this guy before. It's obviously far from ever going to work. He didn't contact me today, and I was actually relieved. (Not a good sign before even going on a date with someone.) If he texts tomorrow or calls about the date, I'm going to tell him that I'm not interested and things aren't going to work out. (Obviously.)

The End.

In other news, I've got a sty in my eye. It's been bugging me for two days now. I went to the doctor today (needed to get my thyroid checked anyways), and he gave me a prescription ointment for it. I hope it doesn't get infected again. I'm very prone to getting MRSA infections. I've had MRSA in my eyes before, and it was AWFUL. I was on an IV for three days with two eyes that keep matting shut from pus. Really one of the worst memories I've got in my bag.

I haven't had an MRSA infection in about six months. The last one I've had was on my stomach. I'm going to be beyond upset if it gets into my eyes again.

New subject.

I've been doing well at the gym for the past two weeks. Last summer, I was doing three hour (or more) workouts a day, and I had lost a TON of weight. When school started back, I was working 6 to 6 everyday, and I basically stopped working out for MONTHS and gained all the weight I had lost plus some. My eating was horrible as well. I've been picking up the workouts though ranging from 30 minutes to an hour. I'm going to try to get back into the three-hour workout shape within the next month or so. I've got to also start watching what I'm eating. I eat/drink SO POORLY now. Have to get on top of things. None of last summer's clothes fit properly if at all, so it must be done.  Perhaps, I'll find some other dieters on this site that I can befriend! Would be nice to have some online support!

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