
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Design Freak

I have been quite the little design freak last night/today. I was browsing through the various blogs on here, and I realized that everyone had such cute blogs. I was very eager to get my own cute blog as well. I've been stuck in common template land over on my old diary site, so the ability for everyone's blog to look SO different with all these elements of personality to them is a foreign concept to me. Granted, I could change basic pictures/colors on the old site, formatting features, etc. were definitely not an option. I think I'm loving

I probably changed my mind a total of 10,000 times before I finally had a vision in my mind of what I wanted. I grabbed ideas from here and there, and I found a neat photo editing program called Fotoflexer that I'm absolutely in love with now. Who needs a boyfriend when you have something as great as Fotoflexer

I'm sure pink probably drives a million people crazy, but I love pink. I'm finally satisfied with my blog layout as of now. What do you think? (I'm probably asking myself this question as I haven't got any blogger friends yet. Sad times.)

In other non-designer news, Mr. Quit Asking Me Questions boy has asked me out on a date for Thursday night. I'm not anticipating it going so hot, but you never know. There's just something about him that makes me certain that I doubt he's going to put forth the effort required to win my heart over. 

Take for instance, this situation which annoys me, but hey, I might be too demanding. When he first started emailing me, he kept making remarks about how I should come over to his place to hang out and watch a movie. Now, I'm not idiot, but I know for certain when two people don't even know each other at all and have never been on a date, that's secretly code for let's make some poor choices and regret this later. If you know what I'm saying, so I told him, 

"Listen. I'm not interested in casual relationships. Been there, done that. If you want to hang out with me or date me, we are going to have to go on public dates until we're in a relationship. I will not come over to your place, and I will not invite you over to mine. End of story."

He said that was okay with him, but the next day, he suggested the same thing until I seriously almost lost it and asked if he had a problem then he should look elsewhere. He basically just said:

"I'm testing the waters."

Lame. Who does that? So yes, he's backed off about it for the most part minus a smart ass remark about how he doesn't expect me over to his place until after our 30th date. Fine by me, amigo. He hasn't contacted me at all today minus an email on the website. (He has my phone number. Not sure what that's about.) He wrote an email that said the following:

Uhm, neglect? :-p

I'm judging by his usage of the emoticon that he's kidding (hopefully), regarding my neglect of something. Not quite sure what. If he was so inclined to talk to me, he should just text me or call me. I've never been in the habit of having to chase a man, and I don't plan on starting now. You might have a house, good paying job, etc., but you better believe, buddy, you still better be picking up a phone to call me. Not the other way around. There's only one man I'm willing to do that for.....

Ryan Reynolds. <3

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